Coordinators: Susan Millns (Sussex)
Simone Wong (Kent)
Ruth Woodfield (Sussex)
3 – 4 May 2012
Final Programme
Meeting room: Karl Renner & Achille Loria
Thursday May 3rd, 2012
Registration Session (9.15 – 9.45am)
9.00 – 9.30am Registration at the the IISL office
Introduction by the IISL and Convenors
9.30 – 9.50am
Session 1 (10.00 – 11.30am) (2 papers x 30mins + 30mins Q&A)
1. Sara Cantillon: ‘The Impact of Intra Household Differences in deprivation and Coping on
Well Being’
2. Frances Woolley: ‘Is greater female bargaining power within marriage associated with
higher or lower levels of savings?’
Break: 11.30 – 11.45am
Session 2 (11.45am – 1.15pm) (2 papers x 30mins + 30mins Q&A)
1. Jackie Goode: ‘Credit and Debt in Close Personal Relationships’
2. Debora Price: ‘Autonomy. identity and ageing: older couples and the management of
household money’
1.15 – 2.30pm Lunch
Session 3 (2.30 – 4.00pm) (2 paper x 30mins + 30mins Q&A)
1. Tone Sverdrup: ‘Contractual thinking in domestic relationships’
2. Sue Millns: 'The impact of spending cuts and plans for recovery on the gendered
distribution of wealth within families'
Break: 4.00 – 4.15pm
IISJ (Reuniones), Apdo. 28, 20560 OÑATI, Gipuzkoa, ESPAÑA
Inter. Tel: +34 943 71 88 89 ‐ Inter. Fax: +34 943 78 31 47
Nat. Tel: 943 71 88 89 ‐ Nat. Fax: 943 78 31 47
E‐Mail: ma l e n @ i i s j . e s
h t t p : / / w w w . i i s j . e s
Thursday May 3rd, 2012 (continuation)
Session 4 (4.15 – 5.45pm) (2 papers x 30mins + 30mins Q&A)
1. Robert Leckey: 'Must Equal Mean Identical?'
2. Simone Wong: ‘Till death do us part: the impact of death on the distribution of property
of unmarried cohabitants’
7:30pm Welcome reception
Friday May 4th, 2012
Session 5 (9.45 – 11.15am) (2 papers x 30mins + 30mins Q&A)
1. Ann Mumford: ‘The Universal Credit: Isomorphism in Tax Institutions’
2. Claire Young: ‘"Family" Values, Tax Policy and Women’s Economic Inequality’
Break: 11.15 – 11.30am
Session 6 (11.30am – 1.00pm) (2 papers x 30mins + 30mins Q&A)
1. Heather Keating: ' Child support: Is the thrust towards individual responsibility and now
private agreement in relation to child support compatible with the drive to eradicate
child poverty in the United Kingdom'
2. Craig Lind: ‘Value in personal relationships, and the reallocation of property on divorce’
1.00 – 2.15pm Lunch
Session 7 (2.15 – 3.45pm) (2 papers x 30mins + 30mins Q&A)
1. Fran Bennett and Surin Sung: 'Within‐household financial issues in low to moderate
income families and implications for welfare reform in the UK'
2. Jerome de Henau, Susan Hemmelweit, Cristina Santos and Zeenat Soobedar: ‘Framing
public policy from an intra‐household gendered perspective. The cases of the UK,
Australia and Germany since the mid‐nineties’
Break: 3.45 – 4.00pm
Session 8 (4.00 – 5.30pm) (2 papers x 30mins + 30mins Q&A)
1. Sandra Dema‐Moreno and Capitolina Diaz: 'Ownership and distribution of money in
Spanish dual‐income couples: Some policy implications'
2. Ruth Woodfield: 'Household finances and their negotiation: gender differences in the
experiences of male and female mature university students in the UK'
Closing session (5.30 – 6.00pm):
Discuss publication output of workshop papers and possible future research and/or
collaborative work
9:00pm Dinner for all the participants who have signed up
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